5 Tips to Keep Your Feet Healthy and Happy During the Warmer Months

While summer is a great time to bask in the sun, sea, and sand, the warmer months can be a bit unkind to your feet. So, before you head out to indulge in other summer-friendly outdoor activities, ensure that your feet are cared for. 


Because your feet are what takes you places. Any injury to them can hold you back from exploring the great outdoors. If you don’t want your feet to hold you back from clocking in some much-needed fun, practice these 5 tips to keep them in their prime.

1. Avoid Walking Around Barefoot To Prevent Foot Problems

Walking barefoot can make you vulnerable to all sorts of germs and fungal infections — and it's doubly bad for people with diabetes. 

So, when you go out — even if it's for a short period — wear rubber-soled shoes to protect yourself from infections and getting your feet burned on hot cement. Be sure to get a pair of shoes that covers your toes for all-around support and protection. 

If you suffer from sweaty feet, make sure to wear antiperspirant socks. Moisture-wicking or moisture-absorbing socks can reduce the sweat that accumulates from the sweat glands on the bottom of your feet. Sweaty feet can cause athlete's foot and fungal nails as well as leave a stinky odor. This means that you should remove or replace socks when they become damp to keep your feet clean and dry.

2. Lather Your Feet in Sunscreen To Give Your Feet Some Quality Sun Protection

The summer heat can be brutal, especially during the day. Although putting sunscreen on your feet probably won't be your first line of defense, remember that your feet are just as susceptible to the sun's harmful rays as any other exposed area of your body.

Make sure to take preventative measures by lathering your feet with sunscreen before going out in the sun. It will protect your feet from harmful UV rays, leaving you with healthy, happy feet. Follow the instructions printed on the bottle regarding reapplication for continued protection. 

3. Pamper Your Feet To Keep Them Healthy and Happy

Pampering your feet with a pedicure can be an enjoyable way to happy, healthy feet but only if it's done from a salon that prioritizes hygiene. If the tools aren’t disinfected properly, you could get nail fungus, bacterial infections, and other foot-related issues.

Your best bet? Pampering your feet at home. Here’s how to do it:

  • Wash your feet with soap and water every day to remove any traces of sweat and bacteria.

  • Dry your feet thoroughly with a towel, paying special attention to the spaces between your toes.

  • Apply a soothing or exfoliating moisturiser, lotion, or foot cream after bathing to give your skin moisture and prevent dry, cracked heels. Make sure to avoid getting the product in between your toes, as it could lead to moisture build-up and increase your risk of developing fungus and other foot issues.

  • Exfoliate your feet regularly with a pumice stone. It will help you scrub off rough patches on the underside of your feet, which make you susceptible to hardened skin.

4. Level up Your Summer Footwear for Maximum Benefits

We gravitate towards backless footwear like thongs and flip-flops in the summer. What we don’t know is they can make us vulnerable to injuries as they are too thin, meaning they won’t give our feet the protection they need. 

It would be a good idea to wear shoes instead, particularly, ones that fit properly, have thicker soles, provide adequate support, and don’t need to be “broken in.” This will help you avoid serious foot problems down the road.

You can wear water shoes if you’re planning on indulging in water activities like canoeing and kayaking. They will protect your feet from the sand and rocky surfaces and also give you better stability and grip to protect against injuries. 

5. Take Immediate Action in Case of Injury

Check your feet regularly for cuts, blisters, and other foot-related injuries during the warmer months.

If you get a cut or blister, clean it immediately and apply an antibiotic ointment. However, if you’ve got a serious foot-related injury, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with a podiatrist immediately. They’ll address the issue before it gets serious which can help you walk away with better outcomes. 

Wrapping Up

By keeping these tips in mind, you can enjoy your summer to the fullest while taking good care of your feet. Ensuring that your feet are healthy from season to season will save you from discomfort and bigger problems later on.


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