Athletic Foot Care For Kids

No matter how active your kids are, you can't stop them from running and playing. After school activities, sports practice, and play dates will keep them positively occupied — and you'll know they're having fun while staying safe.

Playing sports is great, but kids can suffer from foot injuries if they aren't careful. Make sure you've got them wearing the right shoes whenever they're running around the field or the court. A good pair of sporty shoes will help protect their feet, ankles and shins.

How to avoid injury in the first place

When it comes to dealing with pain and foot injuries, the key is early detection. The earlier your child is diagnosed, the quicker they can get back on their feet — figuratively and literally. Here are several tips to help your children enjoy their pain-free feet and ankles: 

  • Take them for a pre-season physical - It's important to get your child checked by a doctor or podiatrist, even if everything seems fine. A doctor or podiatrist can identify things that aren't immediately obvious and make sure that you're ready to handle anything from minor injuries to major accidents. This will give you peace of mind as your child begins participating in exercise and sports activities.

  • Purchase the right pair of shoes - Shoes are an essential part of any child's life. With all the sports they play, they can take a beating — keep them protected with the right protection. If you want the best protection for your children, then you may want to visit a sporting goods store where you'll find comfortable, sturdy shoes that are made just for kids in mind.

  • Replace old shoes - Children grow quickly, and their shoe size can fluctuate dramatically from month to month. The result is that children may regularly have to purchase new footwear as they begin to outgrow the shoes they're currently wearing. The fact is, children's feet are constantly growing and changing. As a child's foot size changes, his or her shoes will wear down - and new shoes may become necessary.

  • Check the treads - Look for wear patterns in your child's shoes. Wear patterns on the soles of your shoes can indicate a structural or gait abnormality. Your child shoes should have substantially similar wear across the heels and balls of the feet; however, if you see excessive wear concentrated along the inside or outside edge of the shoe, it may be due to structural issues or a gait abnormality.

  • Encourage your children to play a variety of sport - Sports can get repetitive for kids, especially if they're playing the same sport. Swimming and biking are great alternatives to running and jumping, because they don't put as much pressure on your feet or ankles.

  • Teach good hygiene - Prevention is easier than cure: encourage your children to always wash their feet thoroughly after sports and exercise, dry them thoroughly, and ensure they change socks at least once a day.

We're always happy to work with active children! Many foot specialists like ourselves understand how frustrating foot and ankle injuries can be. When you bring your child in, we'll do everything in our power to get him or her back out on the field. If you would like to book an appointment, you can use our online booking system.


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