6 Reasons You Shouldn't Ignore A Verruca

Often people will ignore a verruca under the assumption that it will eventually sort itself out.

If you have one, you should probably get professional verruca treatment. You may not be in a rush to act at the moment, but there are many reasons why it's better to get this problem fixed sooner rather than later.

Verrucas are warts that will grow on your feet. They are commonly called plantar warts. Plantar is the medical term for the sole of your foot, and verrucas are from the same grouping of the Human papillomavirus; this is how they get the name, plantar warts.

Verrucae are a form of wart containing tiny blood vessels that look like black dots. They can be found on the foot and, unlike corns and calluses, can be caused by different strains of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).

Your feet are your foundation. That's why at our The Foot Hut, we recommend checking them regularly for any signs of a verruca. We know that it can be easy to miss, but here are six reasons you don't want to pass one over.

Verrucas Usually Get Worse 

When left untreated, it could grow and grow until it reaches a centimetre or more in width and is bordered or covered with hard and problematic skin. It may cause problems such as embarrassment and difficulty moving around. General pressure or force that you put on your foot may also force the verruca into your foot over time.

They Can Multiply

If the verruca is not treated promptly, there's a chance it will spread. Furthermore, if you scratch it (warts often itch), the surrounding skin may become infected. This could lead to a cluster of them on your foot or hand.

This is known as having mosaic warts, and mosaic warts are quite a bit more challenging to kill than a single wart.

Verrucas Cause Foot Pain

Foot pain, discomfort, and tenderness are common issues for many people. When these problems happen, it's usually at the ball of the foot.

Imagine how awful it feels to stand, walk, or run when you have a verruca. The pain is like standing on a needle. It's no wonder that people with verrucas limp or develop knee pain, posture issues, and muscle aches.

Verrucas Make Staying Active Difficult

It's no fun to suffer from a painful verruca for weeks - or even months. When it's really bad, your everyday activities will start to feel challenging, like climbing the stairs or playing sports. Your love for working out might quickly vanish.

The answer to reducing pain isn't adopting a sedentary lifestyle. This might take a toll on your health.

Verruca Infections Spread Easily

If you touch your wart with another part of your body, you may accidentally spread the infection as verrucas and warts are very, very contagious.

Verrucas are easily spread through skin-to-skin contact and contaminated surfaces. From towels to swimming pool tiles, anything can become a hotspot. Damaged or damp skin is especially vulnerable.

To prevent the spread of this virus, people should wear shower shoes and use their own towels. This will reduce risks, but the infection will not be eradicated until it is fully cured.

Verruca Treatment is More Effective than Ever

 It's also worth noting that some verrucas will take years to clear up without treatment, let alone leaving them to clear up of their own accord.

Over-the-counter products are no match for a professional verruca treatment and both are more powerful than ever now.

Some of the most common verruca treatments include:

  • Strong acid-based treatments – a strong acid that works towards destroying infected cells.

  • Cryotherapy – Frozen cells are ruptured to release the virus. It enters your bloodstream, where it's eliminated by your body.

  • Verruca needling – The virus infects your skin when a doctor injects it with a needle. The needle pierces the verruca, exposing the virus to the fatty tissue in the foot, and your immune system will do the rest.

  • Swift microwave treatment – a microwave-emitting probe heats up and destroys infected cells.

If you need help dealing with a verruca that just won’t go away. Contact us today to book an appointment, or use our online booking system.


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