Avoiding Blisters - Our Best Advice For Runners

As a runner, you are probably all too familiar with the dreaded blister. These pesky little injuries can quickly ruin your run and are often difficult to prevent. However, you can take some easy steps to help reduce your risk of developing blisters. Following these simple tips can keep your feet happy and blister-free.

What is a blister?

Blisters are a common skin condition that can be painful and uncomfortable. They are most commonly caused by friction or burns but can also result from other types of injuries, such as exposure to chemicals. Typically, blisters form on the hands, feet, and lips. While they can be a nuisance, several treatments can help heal blisters and prevent them from returning.

If you have a blister, it's essential to know how to take care of it properly. Blisters can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and, if not cared for correctly, can become infected. Some blisters will heal on their own, but others may require antibiotics. No matter what kind of blister you have, though, there are some important tips to follow to ensure it heals properly.

The primary causes of a blister

When you get a blister, it's usually from your skin rubbing against something. This can happen from wearing ill-fitting shoes or from doing a new activity that your body isn't used to. Blisters form when there is a small amount of damage to the skin and fluid builds up under the skin's surface. Although blisters can be painful, they aren't serious and will often go away on their own.

Preventing blisters 

Summertime is the worst time for blisters. They always seem to pop up at the most inconvenient times, like when you're trying to enjoy a nice day outside wearing your new shoes or are going for a run. If you're looking for ways to prevent blisters or relieve the pain, here are a few tips:

Wear well-fitting shoes - When choosing your shoes, comfort and fit should be your top priorities. Shoes that are too tight can cause blisters or other injuries, while shoes that are too loose can cause heel pain among other foot related issues. Avoid unpleasant experiences by taking the time to find shoes that fit you well.

Invest in a good pair of moisture-wicking socks - Foot care is important for runners. Wearing the right socks can help prevent blisters by wicking away moisture. Good socks will fit well and help keep your feet dry. This will reduce the risk of developing painful blisters.

Wear a blister plaster - Taping a blister can help it heal by reducing friction and preventing further damage. Place the tape over the area to protect the blister as it heals.

Use moleskin or a blister gaiter - If you want to avoid blisters during long runs, wearing a moleskin or a blister gaiter can help. Moleskin is a soft and sticky material that you can apply directly to your skin for extra cushioning. A gaiter is a piece of clothing that covers your lower legs and feet and helps protect your foot from rubbing against the inside of your shoe.

Treating blisters 

If you have a blister, don't pop it! It will only make the situation worse and increase the chances of getting an infection. Put some antibiotic ointment on it and cover it with a plaster. Leave it alone and let it heal by itself.

A blister that lasts more than two weeks can be a sign of infection. If you have a blister that lasts this long, it is important to seek professional medical help from a podiatrist. They will be able to properly assess the blister and provide you with the best treatment options.

*This blog contains general information about medical conditions and is not advice. You must not rely upon the information in this blog as medical advice. Medical advice should always be sought from an appropriately qualified podiatrist such as ourselves.


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